Monday, July 15, 2013

Shopping Shopping Shopping!!!! Getting some things for the rain forest.

     Well..... There are several items to purchase regarding the proper wardrobe to wear on the extremely wet floor of the rain forest.  My husband had to sit down a come up with a plan regarding what type of shirts, pants, and socks.  I mean there are different varieties of insects in the jungle of Costa Rica.  There are more types of insects than any other biomes.  Some are not very harmful, causing a little swelling and itching.  There are others that deposit larva under you skin, such as the bot fly.  This fly will attach itself under the skin and deposit the eggs.  From this point the eggs will become larva.  It will stay underneath the skin until the fly is an adult and will breakthrough the skin, fly away.  These bot flies are very prevalent in this area.  The area that the fly deposit the egg will become very red, swollen, and painful.  There is no way you can squeeze the larva out of the skin.  It will have to be lacerated and the larva must be removed with a small clamp.  It is worth knowing that the larva is still alive and moving as it is being extracted.  It is very common they bury themselves deep into the skin and tissue. 
    We went shopping for some dry fit exercise shirts, and dry fit yoga leggings to tuck in under my boots.  I am very lucky because I got most of these clothes on sale since it is summer.  I also got a "see through" netted pullover shirt to help keep the bugs from attacking and biting me.  Lets hope it works.  
     Scott thought it would be a great idea to by a camel backpack for hiking in the jungle.  This backpack has a 2 litter water bag attached to the inside back of the backpack with a hose attached to it.  Actually it is a wonderful idea.  I am so anxious to see the different varies of species and hopefully be able to learn how some of the species came from a common ancestor and how they diverge to become 2 different species.  I must admit that is my weakest area of biology.  I need more information about order to explain it to my students. Warning these pictures are pretty gross.
                              This is a typical grown bot fly. 
                                  The larva being removed

                                        An extreme case of bot flies.
                                    A bed of larva.  yuk, gross!

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